
Again, not to far from my home is the Coal Region Area where there is so much History from the past, that it’s hard to cover it all.

This Image was taken at the Anthracite Memorial in Shenandoah, PA That is dedicated to the thousands of Miners who worked and slaved in a man created hell, the Anthracite Mine.  Click on the Image to make it larger and read what it say’s.  To me, this tribute to the Miners is very moving.

Back in the early 1800’s Immigrant’s from Europe started to enter this Country of our looking for a better life.  They came here by the thousands, all wanting to earn money to support their families.  Gradually, more and more settled in the Coal Region, each with their own way of Life.  Polish, German, Italian, Dutch, American, just to name a few all found work in the Anthracite Mines of PA.  Small towns called “Patches” started growing near the Mines they worked in.  Patches started growing into towns such as Pottsville, New Philadelphia, Shenandoah, Gordon, Minersville, Buck Run and many more.  Many of the once small towns are now gone, but the legacy of them still remain.

Working in the Mines back then was back breaking and very hard work.  The only light they had to light the way was a candle on top of the Miners hat that they wore.  It was cold, wet, and very dangerous work for them. Working by pick and shovel to load a ton of Coal, was god awful to do. Coal was hauled out of the Mines by Mule or Horse.  Pay for them was not all that great.  Working for mere cents a day to support a family or to buy stores at the Company Store was always there.  Most of the time, the Company owned the Miners cause they owed much to the Mine Boss that there was not much choice. 

Hundreds of these Miners lost their Lives in the Mines.  Cave In’s, explosions from Methane Gas, broken limbs, and Black Lung from breathing all the coal dust took a toll that is still in existence to this day.  Even though there are not many working Coal Mines up there now, only 2 that I am aware of, the hard working people of the Coal Region are still a friendly, loving, will give the you the shirt off their back, drinking beer, but never piss them off,kind of people.  My Wife is one of them.  More to follow.

Thanks to you.


Published by Les

I am 77 yrs. young and now retired. I worked in the Machinist Trade for 24 yrs. Served in the US Navy with a Tour of Duty in Vietnam. Being retired I do enjoy Photography with my Nikon and Pentax Camera's, snooping around in Historic and Abandoned places, using my Scroll Saw, Reading, Travel, riding a bicycle on the many Trails that are around my area, and what-ever else will interest me at the time. Come with me and see where I go, where I have been, and my Life surviving Retirement.

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